How I Learned to Stop Worrying (1945-2019)
This record is a musical account of every officially recorded nuclear explosion detonated between 1945 and 2019.
Each different instrument represents a country that partook.
Each month in history lasts a second on the record.
Each note played depicts a single bomb.
Images from my large scale oil paintings are used on each side.
Charlie and Ranger Able.
Side B: Audio Blank
Dan Cundy - USA - Double Bass
Lucy Woodhouse - Soviet Union - Piano
Marion Andrau - France - Drums
Terry Edwards - UK - Tenor saxophone
Graham Brittain - China - Acoustic guitar
Tom Savage - Pakistan - Harmonica
Anne-Marie Watson - India - Shaker
Sarita Jepps - North Korea - Triangle
SHIPPING: £7 to the UK
£10 Worldwide
How I Learned to Stop Worrying (1945-2019) 12" Vinyl Picture Disc
Paper sleeve
Store your record in a paper sleeve (provided) as records react to PVC if kept in a plastic sleeve long term.